Friday, March 26, 2010

Miss Vintage Vogue Goes Slim - Day 5

Today - oh today has been LONG! I came to work tonight at six and it was busy from the time I got here until we closed at 10pm. Whew - and there were three of us here! Crazy times. Anyway - I changed my meals up a little bit today!

Here's the breakdown:
Breakfast -
1/2 cup of Kashi Go Lean with 1/2 milk
One egg, pinch of mozzarella - nuked
One Leanie dog - nuked

This was a really good breakfast! It was almost like sausage and eggs hehe. I really loved the Leanie... To me, it had a lot more flavor than a regular hot dog, it was more dense, and filled me up more. It wasn't squishy like normal hot dogs - it had some substance to it and a bit of a smokey flavor. I highly recommend them!

I combined these two... I got a Zaxby's Grilled Chicken Zalad, sans bacon and croutons (the thing that make the calories sky rocket) I ate it with 1 packet of Caesar dressing... Thing is, I didn't finish the whole thing. It filled me up really quickly.

I think I kind of failed of eating enough today, haha, but if I'm not hungry I'm not forcing myself to eat. However, tomorrow is... CHEAT DAY! My boyfriend has informed me that since I have been eating less and not late, I will not be able to finish my food. I normally don't anyways, but now it's going to be like two bites ... so he thinks. I told him I will show him differently hehe. Can't wait! Of course, I will blog about that too so no one thinks I dined on Oreos and bon bons all day =)

Here's to day SIX!!! Woo hoo!